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Please complete all sections.  Thank you.


Email Address

Street Address*

City, State, Zip*

Contact Telephone Number*

OK to text?

Select an option

How did you hear about WAGS Rescue?*

Why do you want to foster?

Have you ever applied to adopt a WAGS dog before?*

Select an option

Names and ages of all people living in household:*

Pets living in home - please list name, age, breed, sex, and if altered:*

If you do not have a dog now, have you ever owned a dog for which you were the primary caretaker?*

Select an option

If so, what happened to the dog(s)?*

Will your foster dog come into regular contact with any children under the age of 10?*

Select an option

If yes, how often and what ages?*

Do you own or rent your home?*

Select an option

How long have you been at your current residence?*

If you rent, has your landlord provided written permission for you to have a dog?*

Select an option

Do you have a fenced yard? If yes, what type?*

Do you have any special training skills you can offer your foster dog? (if so, please explain)*

How many hours per day will your dog(s) be alone without human interaction?*

Who is your Veterinarian? Please list name and phone number:*

Reference #1 (name, phone, and relationship required):*

Reference #2 (name, phone, and relationship required):*

May we visit your home prior to application approval?*

Select an option

Do you have any size, breed, or weight requirements for your foster dog?*

Are you ready to foster immediately?*

Select an option

If filling out application electronically, your name below substitutes for a signature:*


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